Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 9, 2014

73-X(4240) =12 EULER LINES POINT

X(4240) in Kimberling Center

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Barycentrics   f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), where f(a,b,c) = (b4 + c4 - 2a4 + a2b2 + a2c2 - 2b2c2)/[(b2 - c2)(b2 + c2 - a2)]
X(4240) is the point of intersection of the Euler lines of nine triangles, constructed as in the next three paragraphs.
Let E be the Euler line of a triangle ABC. Let A1 = E∩BC, and define B1 and C1 cyclically. Let AB be the reflection of A in B1, and define BC and CA cyclically. Let AC be the reflection of C in B1, and define BA and CB cyclically. The Euler lines of the four triangles ABC, AABAC, BBCBA, CCACB concur in X(4240). (Dao Thanh Oai, Problem 1 in attachment to ADGEOM #1709, September 15, 2014). See also Telv Cohl, 'Dao's Theorem on the Concurrency of Three Euler Lines,' International Journal of Geometry 3 (2014) 70-73.
Continuing, let A*B*C* be the paralogic triangle of ABC whose perspectrix is E. Then X(4240) lies on the Euler line of A*B*C*. (Dao Thanh Oai, noted just after Figure 1 in attachment to ADGEOM #1709, September 15, 2014).
Continuing, redefine AB as the point on line AC and AC as the point on line AB such that B1, A1, AB, AC line on a circle and A1, AB, AC are collinear. Define BC and BA cyclically, and define CA and CB cyclically. Let A2 = BABC∩CACB and define B2 and C2 cyclically. The Euler lines of the five triangles ABC, A2B2C2, AABAC, BBCBA, CCACB concur in X(4240). (Dao Thanh Oai, Problem 2 in attachment to ADGEOM #1709, September 15, 2014).
X(4240) lies on these lines:
{2, 3}, {107, 110}, {112, 1302}, {476, 1304}, {925, 1301}, {2407, 3233

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