Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 9, 2014

37-Another four incenter lie on a circles

Mr Tony Gacia share me the link:

A conjecture of Christopher Bradley

I inspired and construct and found some problems following:

Let ABCD be a tangential quadrilateral. F,G,H,I are intersecton of perpendicular bisector of four sideline AB,BC,CAD,DA(show in thefigure). 

1- Prove that FHGI are tangential quadrilateral.(Well-Known)

2- Four incircle of four triangles ALB,BLC,CLD,DLA are cyclic quadrilateral.

3-Deno O is center of incribed circle of quadrilateral FHFI, then four incenter of four triangles AOB,BOC,COD,DOA lie on a circle.

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